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Abu Othman al-Hiri

Abu Othman al-Hiri Abu 'Othman Sa'id ibn Esma'il al-Hiri al-Nisaburi came originally from Rayy, where he knew Yahya ibn Mo'adh al-Ra…

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Abu l-Hosain al-Nuri

Abu l-Hosain al-Nuri Abu l-Hosain Ahmad ibn Mohammad al-Nuri, a native of Baghdad of a family from Khorasan, was a pupil of Sari al-Saqati and a fai…

Abu Sa'id al-Kharraz

Abu Sa'id al-Kharraz Abu Sa'id Ahmad ibn "Isa al-Kharraz of Baghdad, a cobbler by trade, met Dho 'l-Nun al-Mesri and associated wit…

Amr ibn Othman-e Makki and the Book of the Treasure

Amr ibn Othman Abu Abd Allah 'Amr ibn 'Othman al-Makki, a disciple of al-Jonaid, visited Esfahan and died in Baghdad in 291 (904) or 297 (91…

Abo 'l-Qasem al-Jonaid

Abo 'l-Qasem al-Jonaid Abo 1-Qasem al-Jonaid ibn Mohammad al-Khazzaz al-Nehawandi, son of a glass-merchant and nephew of Sari al-Saqati, close a…

Abu Hafs al-Haddad

Abu Hafs al-Haddad Abu Hafs Amr ibn Salama al-Haddad, a black-smith of Nishapur, visited Baghdad and met al-Jonaid who admired his devotion; he also…

Yusof ibn al-Hosain

Yusof ibn al-Hosain Abu Ya'qub Yusof ibn al-Hosain al-Razi travelled extensively from his native Rayy, visiting Arabia and Egypt where he met an…

Shah ibn Shoja

Shah ibn Shoja Abu "I-Fawares Shah ibn Shoja' al-Kermani, said to be of a princely family and author of works on Sufism which have not surv…
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